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Once a quarter, on the Community Giving Day, 320 Market Café give 5% of our net sales to a local non-profit organization. In lieu of small in-kind or gift card donations, we believe we can have the greatest impact on our local community with larger gestures. Plus, since it is a percentage of sales, the more we sell, the more we give!


Who do we support? 

320 Market Cafe considers requests from Delaware County 501(c)3 or 501(c)19 organizations that seek to enrich childhood development, environmental stewardship, or focus on food access. While there are many worthy endeavors to consider, we feel we can have the greatest impact if we focus on a few specific areas. 


When do Community Giving Days happen? 

Community Giving Days happen once a quarter. We try to select the dates so that they occur on a cyclical basis and do not interfere with holidays. If your organization is selected, we will work with you to find a mutually beneficial day. 


How do we decide who receives support? 

We take applications for the following Community Given Day up to 8 weeks before the new quarter begins. For instance, for our Q2 recipient, we stop taking applications on February 1st. This allows the company leadership to meet and select a few potential recipients.  In addition to the mission of the applicant, we take into consideration their reach both in who they serve but also who they reach.  We want to have this day really mean something!  


We then present the options on our social media platforms for customers to vote on their preferred organization. This means our financial contribution is a reflection of our community’s wishes! 


Does each store support a different organization each quarter? 

No, we band together to drive the most dollars to a singular organization. Since the stores are close together, priorities tend to be easily aligned.  


If I have submitted an application in the past, do I have to submit one every quarter? 

We keep applications on file for a 12 month period. If your organization is not selected over the course of that 12 month period, we discard the application. As such, you are welcome to reapply every 12 months 


If my organization is selected, when can I reapply to receive another Community Giving Day? 

We do want to spread the support out and as such, we will not consider the same organization to receive support more than once every 2 years. There are simply too many worthy causes.   


Completed applications can be submitted through our website, emailed to,  or dropped off at one of our locations.


Questions? Email 

Click the link below to download the application form.

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